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In With The Old & The New: Getting Rid Of The War On Parenting Styles []


"The purpose of fear is to raise your awareness, not to stop your progress." Steve Maraboli

I sat down to write this piece after reading a post about being "drugged by our parents"! And, let me tell you, I had an immediate visceral reaction. I felt sick to my stomach and I felt upset that we have to resort to fear mongering to get others to see that our points of view are superior. If you want to read that post, you can read it here.

But, what really came to fruition to me: We really suck at helping people become the stewards of a new generation!

I write this from the perspective of be a childless parent coach, raised by my step-grandmother (yes. there's a Cinderella reference in my story complete with evil stepsisters and finding my prince at the end - but that's for another blog), who endured a nice amount of emotional and verbal abuse for the majority of my childhood. But, above that personal story, I write this with the passion for shifting the idea that you've got to choose one style of parenting to do it right. The fact of the matter is this: there is no one style of parenting that will miraculously save you or your child from the messiness of life!

Now, with those preliminaries out of the way: Let's talk about the merging of two warring families! I'll call these families Old Style Parenting and New Style Parenting!

[For more of this story, written by Mercedes Samudio, go to]

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