"The analysis shows that in 2007, in Cardiff, where this collaborative approach was pioneered, the scheme lopped off almost £7 million from health, societal, and criminal justice costs caused by violence.
"The estimated individual and societal costs of violence recorded by the police in England and Wales in 2003-4 came to £14 billion....
"This added up to a yearly saving of £5 million until 2007, when the savings rose to £6.9 million, including savings of £1.25 million in healthcare costs and £1.62 million in criminal justice system costs.
"The costs of setting up and running the scheme were, modest, however, coming in at just under £108,000, and just over £210,000, respectively. In all, the scheme has saved a total of £82 for every £1 spent on it...."
Florence, et al. (2013). "An economic evaluation of anonymised information sharing in a partnership between health services, police and local government for preventing violence-related injury." Injury Prevention. Abstract.
See also:
Trauma's Monetary Costs to Society
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