The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded $156,120 to Philadelphia-based Institute for Safe Families to "investigate the extent of adverse childhood experiences among Philadelphians and to plan for a sustainable ACE-informed care infrastructure," according to a press release issued today.
This boosts the work being done by the city's ACE Task Force, which is led by ISF. During the next year, the task force will be developing assessment and intervention strategies for families that have adverse childhood experiences.
The ACE Task Force is co-chaired by:
- Dr. Sandra Bloom, associate professor of health management and policy and co-director of the Center for Non-Violence and Social Justice at Drexel University;
- Dr. Joel Fein, professor of pediatrics and emergency medicine at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, and attending physician in emergency medicine at The Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania;
- Dr. Lee Pachter, chief of general pediatrics and associate chair for community pediatrics at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children and professor of pediatrics at Drexel University's College of Medicine.
The task force is mentored by Dr. Robert Anda, one of the CDC's ACE Study co-founders, and Dr. Linda Chamberlain, a Scattergood Foundation Scholar. Stoneleigh Fellow Emily Wilson will help coordinate the task force projects.
The task force is supported by local Philadelphia funders, including the Scattergood Foundation, the Stoneleigh Foundation, the First Hospital Foundation, the William Penn Foundation and the CHG Charitable Trust.
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