We have sad news and good news.
The sad news: ACEs Connection community manager Jasmine Pettis has left us for an opportunity that she could not refuse -- a great job with Children's Hospital Oakland (CA) -- and we all wish her the best. We will miss her, but luckily, she won't be a stranger around ACEs Connection.
The good news: We found Jesus Gaeta.
Born in Los Angeles, Jesus is a first generation college student. Jesus notes that he sees his privilege of American citizenship as a catalyst for taking full advantage of higher education and the opportunities school can provide. And he's doing just that. After completing a BA in International Studies at UC San Diego, Jesus decided to pursue an MPH at San Francisco State University because, he notes, public health can be practiced anywhere in the world. Jesus would also like to study at the doctoral level the intersections of health policy, immigration and sexual minorities. Jesus is motivated by intellectual curiosity, community involvement and making the most out of daily opportunities.
At SFSU Jesus has excelled in his studies while also working in Residential Life and conducting research with the University’s Health Equity Institute. In his free time, Jesus likes to socialize with friends and family, read non-fiction literature, graphic novels and be physically active.
During Jesus' first week on the job, he was able to attend last week's California ACEs summit, and met many people who participate in ACEs Connection. Welcome, Jesus!
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