I am a 44 year old student who gained her degree over in the UK more years ago than I care to remember! I have always wanted to study Psychology and 3 children and a move across the pond later (I am British by birth) I have finally got the resources together to invest in myself. I am studying for a Masters in Psychology M.Psy. at the Adler Graduate Professional School - here's the link to the school website www.adler.ca
I first heard about the ACE study in my trauma course, instructed by Dr. Susan Rosenthal M.D. and Julie Brown MSW. I have suggested they also link with your organisation. I was blown away by the study and it's implications. Just recently I attended a two day conference given by the Addiction Services York Region with Dr. Gabor Mate. I had read his books but it was an amazing opportunity to hear him first hand. I was shocked though when he asked who among the attendees had heard of the ACE study. Of 240 people, only 6 of us raised our hand. I was stunned.
I am now wondering whether to incorporate this somehow into my Honours Research Project (which I have to do to bring my UK qualifications up to scratch) and my Masters Research Project but at the moment am struggling how to narrow this down to a possible question I could answer or some research I could do. Up until this point I had been planning to use something regarding subjective well being in the area of positive psychology. I was wondering if I might look at if a high ACE score might affect your ability as an adult to attain a high level of subjective well being but I was also inclined to ask the question of why so little is know of the ACE study in front line workers in Ontario! I finally settled on examining the relationship between adolescent ACE scores and their subjective well-being plus the effect that resilience has on this dynamic. Any help with research or ideas from members of the community are greatly appreciated!
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