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Is there a link between child sex abuse and epilepsy?

A reader of the news site sent in that question. Since she prefers to remain anonymous, I told her I'd toss it out to this network. 

If you know anything about this -- whether there's a link or whether there is not -- just add a comment to this post, and I'll pass it on to her. 


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There is definitely an association between childhood sexual abuse and what are called psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES).  These are not true seizures because there is no abnormal electrical brain activity on EEG when the PNES is in progress.  However, PNES look just like true epilepsy since the outward effect on the person having the PNES is nearly identical to true epilepsy.  Definitive diagnosis of PNES may require simultaneous video and EEG recording for up to 5 days to ensure a PNES event occurs.  Only a few medical centers around the world offer this.

I'm not aware of any data that show PNES gets better when the effects of childhood sexual abuse are treated but I strongly suspect that would be the case. 

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