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It's Easier to Build Up a Child Than to Repair An Adult


I am a warrior.  I am a survivor.  I am many, many things.  Most recently, I found out I have a tumor in my breast that is cancer.  It isn't my cancer.  I don't own it.   I didn't want it.    It is NOT my exit strategy.

It's Easier to Build Up a Child Than to Repair An Adult

I am also an advocate and activist to PREVENT the abuse of our children, and to help those adults who have experienced abuse and trauma to continue on their healing journey

After learning about the ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study) 4 years ago, I learned that when a child experiences abuse and trauma, that it changes their brains neurologically.  As the child grows (and depending if there are grown-ups in the child's life who offer a safe, stable and nurturing environment) the after-effects of the abuse and trauma can lead to depression, suicide attempts, criminal behavior, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and diseases, such as C.O.P.D.,  Cancer, Diabetes, etc.


This study, first published by Dr. Vincent Felitti and Dr. Bob Anda, in 1998, has gone largely ignored by many. Everyone knows that child abuse happens, but that is often as far as our knowledge goes. The ACE Study is important in many ways, including the fact that our country spends around $80 BILLION a year dealing with the after-effects of child abuse.

Let me bring this down to a personal level.  I am a survivor of child sexual abuse. I continue to work toward healing from this pain. And yet, when I think I've put it all behind me, I find myself feeling like that little girl who didn't understand what was happening to her, and had no control to stop it. That is how I feel now, with this new diagnosis.

That brings me to the next chapter of my life. One where I kick this uninvited guest's ass, and heal and become stronger, and healthier and more powerful.  I am not a little girl any more. I am the parent to my own inner child and she is very safe and loved.

Get ready world, because there is nothing like a Two-Time Survivor who refuses to remain silent about this global epidemic. Yes both global epidemics. Child abuse and Cancer.  Neither one are acceptable. And together we can put an end to both and continue on our own individual healing journey.

Randa Fox,

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Hi Randa, 

Double survivor, what a great attitude and perspective to take on the diagnosis that you have. I love that you view it as just that, a diagnosis and not something that belongs to you. I have childhood trauma, and I am a Breast cancer survivor of 12 years now. I rarely connect the two. Thanks for highlighting the connection. My prayers go with you through this journey. 

Jane Stevens posted:

I'm sorry that you've had to deal with ACEs, and now cancer, Randa. Your warrior spirit has turned your ACEs into an energy for preventing it in others, and you're taking the same approach to cancer. You go, girl!!!

Thank you Jane!  It came to me the other evening that to become a survivor you must go through the pain. I know the connection to both the abuse and this diagnoses will only make my Warrior spirit stronger!  Much love, Randa 

Gail Kennedy posted:

HI Randa.  Thank you for sharing your stiory.  I am so sorry to hear about your cancer but love your warrior spirit.  Yes, we that are healing from ACEs had to be, and continue to be warriors.  And you are an inspiring one!  Take good care of yourself - self care is SO IMPORTANT!

Hi Gail,

i couldn't agree more about self care. And I have no doubt that my Warrior spirit will only become stronger once I kick this uninvited guest out.  Thank you and much love, Randa. 

Christine Cissy White posted:


I am so sorry for your cancer diagnosis. I am so sorry you have to fight, again. I have no doubt you will become even more powerful. It's too easy to forget that these long-term health impacts happen to real adults, with real lives and thank you for sharing. Warrior on! 

Warmly, Cis

Hi Cis,

i agree that when I kick this uninvited guest's ass, I will be a Warrior times two!!  Look out world.  Much love, Randa

Dana Brown posted:

Randa... you are truly a Human Angel. Your tenacity and moxie are not only inspiring many others, your warrior spirit is helping them find a pathway on their own healing journey to also become an advocate. Now, more than ever before, our nation and world needs millions of advocates to be upstanders and influence policy and systems change.

May you feel hordes of Angels surrounding you in healing Love and Light... May you sense their presence near as they infuse healing energy throughout every fiber of your Being ~ and most certainly with an intentional focus on the cancer tumor.

Hi Dana,

Your words were just what my soul needed. Thank you.  Much love, Randa

Randa... you are truly a Human Angel. Your tenacity and moxie are not only inspiring many others, your warrior spirit is helping them find a pathway on their own healing journey to also become an advocate. Now, more than ever before, our nation and world needs millions of advocates to be upstanders and influence policy and systems change.

May you feel hordes of Angels surrounding you in healing Love and Light... May you sense their presence near as they infuse healing energy throughout every fiber of your Being ~ and most certainly with an intentional focus on the cancer tumor.


I am so sorry for your cancer diagnosis. I am so sorry you have to fight, again. I have no doubt you will become even more powerful. It's too easy to forget that these long-term health impacts happen to real adults, with real lives and thank you for sharing. Warrior on! 

Warmly, Cis

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