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It’s Poverty, Not the 'Teenage Brain,' That Causes the Most Youth Crime []



While trading stories about the wide range of things that confused us when we were young children, a friend described how afraid he used to be of teenagers. He wasn’t afraid of any actual young adults in his life, but rather the capital-T teenagers he heard about when his parents watched the local news on TV every evening. It seemed to his nervous ears as though the police were always on the hunt for some devious, dangerous Teenagers who had committed some crime or another in his town.

Compounding his confusion was the vague knowledge that all of the adults in his life were once themselves teenagers. If being a Teenager necessarily meant committing crimes, then what had his parents and grandparents and teachers done in their day, he wondered? And how did they all seem to have gotten away with it?


[For more of this story, written by Lauren Kirchner, go to]


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When you have a lot of childhood adversity and suffered severe poverty as a child, I just believe this is a really horrible ACE. It increases school bullying and I think really solidifies the mind into thinking "I am absolutely worthless."  Poverty w/o parental love is absolutely devastating and when parents are in poverty, there are less physical and psychological resources available to love children.
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