"Janet Heimlich is the author of Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment and President of the Child-Friendly Faith Project. The organization is "a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity that educates the public about the impact that religious, spiritual, and cultural beliefs and practices have on children in the United States and around the world." To put it simply, Janet is confronting the often-ignored abusive aspects of some religious child-rearing practices....
"I do not oppose religion, I oppose authoritarian religious governance that goes on in communities, places of worship, and homes, or, as I call them, religious authoritarian cultures....
"...In religious authoritarian cultures, parents often comply – or are made to comply -- with blanket rules about childrearing. These rules typically promote authoritarian-style parenting, controlling children rather than attending to their individual needs, and physical punishment...."
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