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Join the ACEs Tech Task Force

Hi guys,

As some of you may know, I am working on the development of the ACE Toolkit for professionals, which is a technology toolkit supporting professionals in their work with clients with ACEs (especially screening for ACEs is the current focus).

I've also started work on two ACEs apps for people suffering from ACEs, with the goal of enabling children and grownups alike to get in-situ, context-relevant psychoeducational materials, screenings, interventions, peer-support, and mentoring for empowering them (us) to live better and more resilient lives.

All of this in ways that are inherently more scalable (in the Silicon Valley sense) than traditional therapy, while not in any way replacing it, but rather supporting it in new ways.

It's all awfully ambitious, and with a lot of potential value to deliver to end-users. That is why I need you guys to join forces with me in a very important process of ideation and discussion about a user-centered approach to developing technology relevant to fighting ACEs.

I call it the "ACEs Tech Task Force".

Starting this month I will try and dedicate between 8 and 16 hours per week to the projects for the next half year or so with the goal of releasing new versions of working software every 2-3 weeks. This will surely not be enough as we begin to pick out speed, and therefore I am planning on attracting more developers down the line.

However, before we do too much in terms of software development, we should have a good discussion on what needs we are actually addressing, so that we focus our effort on the highest-value topics first.

Questions like:

  1. What needs do the users have?
  2. How are they (not) addressed by current methodologies, tools and processes?
  3. Why are they not addressed (e.g. doesn't scale, requires too many resources, just haven't been done by anybody, etc.)
  4. How could we envision the users needs getting addressed (e.g. by interactions with peers or professionals, by using self-tracking and reporting, etc.?
  5. How could technology support this in happening (e.g. via apps, websites, animations, movies, reminders, etc.?
  6. What would be the concerns of enabling this with technology (e.g. privacy, lack of direct human interaction, etc.)

...all need a good discussion for each project before we're able to decide what would be the best way to start out and what functionality to make the highest initial priority.

How you can participate

I'm thinking that one of the best ways to start something like this out would be to get acquainted first. Let me know that you're interested in this topic by reaching out to me. Even though writing blog posts and comments is fine for most communication, I would really love to meet some of you virtually and discuss any and all ideas you have! :-) 

Write comment here or PM me on ACEs Connection

Very quick and very easy. :-)

Drop by

Drop by my website on and have a chat - right from the website. Just look for the green speech bubble in the lower-right corner.

Online Office Hours

For this reason, I will be scheduling online office hours two times a week on most weeks using Skype, where I will be online and working on the ACEs tech, and you guys can just stop by and say hello in an online Skype meeting.

Starting Monday 25th of April, the two sets of office hours are for now as follows:

- Mondays at 8-9 PM CEST (2-3 PM EST, 11 AM-12 PM PST) 
- Thursdays at 8-9 PM CEST (2-3 PM EST, 11 AM-12 PM PST)

» Find me on Skype as "translucent-tpb".

Online ACEs Tech Talks (video conferences)

Also, I am planning a bigger 2-hour online video conference to take place on Thursday the 28th with one hour focusing on discussing how to make tech for ACE professionals, and one hour focusing on how to make tech for people with ACEs.

If all goes according to plan, I hope to be able to host the first one on Thursday 28th of April at 8-10 PM CEST (2-4 PM EST, 11 AM-1 PM PST).

Please sign up here (it's completely free):

Note that transcripts of both the ACEs Tech Talks and the Office hours will be posted here on ACEs Connection so that we support the community process as much as possible.

I hope to hear from you soon! :-)


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Hi guys,

It seems that our video conference last Thursday didn't work out (no participants, even though several signed up), most likely due to a logistics error on my part and/or timezone trouble. :-/

I would like to invite you guys to a new conference either this week or next week - but this time with more available time slots for you to choose from, and with more timely meeting confirmations on my part. :-)

Feel free to plot your availability on this Doodle, and I will try my best to arrange whatever conferences and calls would be required for me to reach out to all of you:

Thomas :-)

Last edited by Thomas Peter Berntsen

Since the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the [U.S. CDC/Kaiser] ACE screening tool, and used it in their 2013 assessment of the world's healthiest children, they (WHO) have added some categories of "toxic stress" to the ones used in the CDC/Kaiser ACE study. The current WHO version, known as the WHO ACE International Questionaire, and is available on the WHO website, along with an instruction/users manual. 

 When Vermont's 2013 Legislature reviewed House Bill 762-requiring all Vt. health care providers to screen all patients, regardless of age, for ACEs, questions arose about the wording of screening "tools" for certain age groups. [At least] One ACEs Connection member in Vt. was tasked with developing questionaire wording, etc.

I would certainly like to participate with your endeavor to provide "tech tools" for those of us with ACE scores above zero [depending on the screening tool version you use], and those who may have occasion to administer such tech tools. I had occasion to be "screened" about 2000, using a 'tech tool' reportedly developed by Stanley Rosenberg, M.D., of NH/Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, for use in [Dartmouth] Primary Care settings. It was computerized, and had some questions resembling ACEs type and trauma-related type questions , but was administered by a "Dual Residency physician [psychiatry & internal medicine]--who looked at the computer screen, rather than me, while "administering" it to me. The WHO ACE International Questionaire has clarification questions to the primary questions, as well as an Instruction Guide/User's manual.

I was delighted to find this website and to have a mini-exchange with Jane this week. I immediately joined ACEsConnection. However, since then I have had 14 emails, 4 sent at 3:03 today. Too much!!! Is there a way to be involved without being inundated?

Jo Dee Davis
Executive Director
Healing Broken Circles, Inc.

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