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July 21st CTIPP CAN Call

July 21st, 2-3:30pm ET/11am-12:30pm PT - Using Trauma-Informed and Faith-Based Approaches to Overcome Poverty

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To start the call, we will be joined by a staff member in Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley's office (D-MA-07) to discuss the STRONG Support for Children Act, which was reintroduced last month. Dan and Jesse will also briefly discuss other recent progress and opportunities, including the RISE from Trauma Act.
This month's main two presenters have helped start and expand the missions of various nonprofit organizations to support the deep needs in their communities and states. Understanding that trauma is at the heart of so many issues communities all over face, they embraced trauma-informed approaches to bring about the healing and wellness that the world around them needed.
  • Rev. Sanghoon Yoo, MSW, MDiv. is the founder of The Faithful City (TFC) and Arizona Trauma-Informed Faith Community (AZTIFC). Rev. Yoo will present the trauma-informed faith community movement in Arizona: AZTEC's birth, its exponential growth with training, organizational journey, regional gathering, track development, and its statewide conference. As a board member for the Arizona ACEs Consortium, he will illustrate the collaboration of the various social and governmental sectors, in which the faith community has been actively engaged to build a trauma-informed community and state.
  • Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz works with communities and school across the United States to truly solve poverty and heal trauma. She does this by helping leaders create sustainable ecosystems of resilience through building better relationships. Rebecca fought her way out of poverty in 2011 with three young sons. A local poverty resolution project found Rebecca and activated her journey, a non-profit she went on to work for and helped build multiple projects like it to help more families. In 2015, she started working with public education and ignited a trauma-informed schools movement.
You can view upcoming events and copy call information directly to your calendar from the National Trauma Campaign Events page! Also, if you haven't already done so or if there are folks in your network who would make great advocates, here is a sign up link to join the National Trauma Campaign.

August 18th, 2-3:30pm ET - Trauma-Informed Advocacy Workshop

CTIPP will work with advocates to develop their pitch around trauma-informed and healing-centered advocacy, which will be helpful whether you are speaking to an elected official, someone running a company or organization, or a colleague. This presentation will include use of break out rooms so that you can practice your pitch during the call.

September 15th, 2-3:30pm ET - Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

We will be joined by professors and researchers from Montclair State University who will discuss several programs they have developed and operate promoting infant and early childhood mental health, as well as staff from Prevent Child Abuse America who will discuss their advocacy for prevention to enhance children's mental health.

As a reminder, we record our CTIPP CAN calls and put them on YouTube for folks who are unable to join, as well as those who can join but want to watch again. You can subscribe to our channel to receive updates when new videos are uploaded. Please feel free to share this invitation and/or the recordings with others in your network who may be interested in joining our calls.

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