"What are generally normal human responses to trauma or tragedy become labeled a disorder and the person diagnosed now becomes a patient constantly reflecting on how they feel or should be feeling and reflecting over and over again the triggering event....
"These simple things help even if you are currently suffering PTSD or one of your friends is. This plan is based on teamwork and not going it alone or letting your buddies deal with it alone. In fact, the whole healing part is keeping faith with one another....
"There can be no doubt that humans have had to deal with horror throughout our whole existence. So how did we ever get along before Freud? For one thing, we stuck together; families, friends, comrade-at-arms, we all hung in there. We didn't go on administrative leave, we didn’t abandon each other. Those who went to war spent weeks if not months going to and from the site of battle; the stories of ancient warriors singing songs of lamentation and poems for their fallen as they openly wept are common among the records of war...."
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