While logging some bright spots in improving some of the factors that negatively impact the healthy development of Memphis and Shelby County’s children, the overall picture is fairly gloomy.
That is the disappointing picture painted in the “Kids Count, The State of the Child in Tennessee 2015” report released Wednesday by the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth, in partnership with the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
The report includes county-by-county data on the well-being of Tennessee’s children, using data retrieved from a host of sources.
For our community’s elected, business, philanthropic, religious and community leaders, the report reinforces to those who consistently stress that children are key resources for a bright future, more has to be done to make that happen.
On the bright side, Shelby County ranked 15th out of the state’s 95 counties for substantiated child abuse and neglect cases and 45th in the number of children without health insurance.
[For more of this story go to http://www.commercialappeal.co...y-children/96851086/]
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