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Massachusetts is close to achieving universal healthcare. This may have major implications for the accessibility of healthcare for the mental and physical consequences of ACEs.
When Massachusetts passed its landmark health coverage law under Gov. Mitt Romney in 2006, no one claimed the state would get to zero, as in 0 percent of residents who are uninsured. But numbers out today suggest Massachusetts is very close.
Between December 2013 and March of this year, when the federal government was urging people to enroll, the number of Massachusetts residents signed up for health coverage increased by more than 215,000. If that number holds, the percentage of Massachusetts residents who do not have coverage has dropped to less than 1 percent.
“We’re thrilled that we are getting this close to universal health care access,” said the Rev. Burns Stanfield, president of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization.
Stanfield says a report out last month that found mortality rates dropped in the first four years of expanded coverage, coupled with the insurance numbers, show that “our statewide move to universal access is working, and it’s a powerful witness to the nation.”
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