Rep. Anne Donahue, R-Northfield, speaks about childhood trauma during a Wednesday press conference at the Statehouse. With Donahue are, from left to right, Rep. Mike Mrowicki, D-Putney; Rep. Kate Webb, D-Shelburne; Sen. David Soucy, R-Rutland; and Sen. Becca Balint, D-Windham.
Editor’s note: Chick here to read an ACEs Too High article on how the legislative working group on childhood trauma and ACEs in Vermont got started.
After hearing sometimes-emotional stories from more than 60 witnesses, a group of state legislators studying the effects of childhood trauma couldn’t come up with just one bill to address the problem.
Instead, they drew up four.
The package of bills – three in the House and one in the Senate – aims to improve trauma support and treatment within state government, health care and education via new positions, training and strategies.
To read the rest of the VTDIGGER article by Mike Faher, click here.
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