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Let's start with an introduction...

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such an important group of individuals, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Laura Mayo. I am the mother of a 10 year old son, Riese. Together we are survivors of alcoholic domestic violence, for me it was a 10 year battle and for my son it has been from conception. While my life with his dad has ended personally, he struggles with something I can only hope to understand one day. Our five year journey of freedom has been a difficult one. While I have had success in most areas of recovery, my son has not. While the parent/child issues that exist with any situation sharing its likeness are usually expected, the resistance on the part of the education system to help my son was not expected. I am having an ongoing battle with our school district, specifically the recognition and implementation of services based on the classification of Emotional Disturbance and it's lacking specificity where children exposed to chronic/complex trauma is concerned. I must educate myself to be the best advocate for his success. My mission is to bring a therapeutic view to the table, as opposed to the punitive one that is currently held by those educating him, so that the correct approach aids in his healing rather than doing more harm. I must educate the educator by any means possible. Please, if you have any information that might help us make forward progress, do share!! God bless and keep you! Laura Mayo

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Hi Laura,

That sounds very difficult, I'm sorry you and your son have had such a hard time. Sounds like you are headed in the right direction, hang in there!

re: the school, you may want to use the special education system to get help. It varies from state to state, but the basic idea is you get a diagnosis or testing showing a difference in your son. Then come up with a plan called an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for him to learn and feel safe in school. When it goes well, it helps you and the school work together for your son. When it doesn't go well, it still gives you some protections.

A good starting point is the book From Emotions to Advocacy:Β

Wrightslaw has lots of other resources on IEPs and how to work with schools.Search around their site.

Hope that helps.

Good luck,

Greg S

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