PACEs Connection is one of the more than 400 partners of the Listen First Project. Here's how Listen First describes itself: Listen First Project enhances the impact, visibility and voice of the interpersonal bridge building field. We aggregate, align, and amplify the efforts of 400+ #ListenFirst Coalition partners into large scale, collective campaigns and strategies.
Listen First aggregated these resources under the heading, Best Things We've Seen. I think you might find some of them useful.
- PBS Jan 6 Special: Preserving Democracy: Pursuing a More Perfect Union (clip of bridging segment)
- "Across the country, there are signs of hope and some possible paths forward... 'Democracy thrives when we feel like we're in it together despite our differences, when our shared American identity ranks higher than our competing tribal identities.' [Pearce Godwin] In 2017, he created the #ListenFirst Coalition, and today more than 350 local and national organizations are hosting bridging conversations." Features Resetting the Table and Braver Angels.
- Time Magazine: How America Can Rebuild the Community Bonds It Needs to Face the Next Pandemic
- "We must again engage in intentional relationship building... The Listen First Project unites hundreds of grassroots groups—like Living Room Conversations, The People, and Unify America—to bring people with different points of view together for in-person and virtual conversations."
- CBS 60 Minutes: Bridging America's political divide with conversations, "One Small Step" at a time
- "Our dream is that we convince the country that it's our patriotic duty to see the humanity in people with whom we disagree" - David Isay, StoryCorps
- PBS NewsHour: Political polarization prompts efforts to bridge the gap through shared experiences
- Features American Exchange Project, StoryCorps, Greater Good Science Center, More in Common, Resetting the Table, Braver Angels, Peter Coleman, and Nealin Parker.
- CBS News: Group helps liberals and conservatives see past labels
- "Once everyone has a chance to share, there's a lot of goodness that can happen... What choice do we have; we share this country" - Justine Lee, Make American Dinner Again
- The Reunited States was aired nationwide on PBS, which also featured the Everyday Heroes profiles on several bridging movement leaders (Kristin Hansen, John Wood, Jr., John Gable, and Pearce Godwin)
- Music for our Movement: Beautiful songs hitting our bridging notes
- Distillation of 50+ media pieces on the next "Civil War” in the United States Thanks to Eric Servatius (LFP) for saving us all countless hours trying to read it all. The document is open for your comments!
- Science & Perspectives on Toxic Polarization A live compilation of academic research and smart perspectives relevant to our mission. Send any we're missing.
- Breaking Bread: A conversation on race in America (Hosted by John Wood, Jr., Braver Angels)
- Time Magazine: Half the U.S. Believes Another Civil War Is Likely. Here Are the 5 Steps We Must Take to Avoid That (by Peter Coleman)
- The Hill: The most dangerous divide in America isn't what you think (by Mike Murphy, FixUS)
- CNN: The surprising common psychological traits between the far left and far right
- CNN: Two lawmakers say their bipartisan friendship a model for overcoming 'toxic' year in Washington
- UVA Center for Politics: New Initiative Explores Deep, Persistent Divides Between Biden and Trump Voters
- TEDx: Why and How We Should Engage in Intellectual Conversations
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