"A recent report (Gang Assessment) authored by Professor Clay Mosher of Washington State University Vancouver and funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance found "a significant gang presence [in Clark County], which includes Caucasian gangs, Latino gangs, African-American gangs, as well as several others." (The report can be accessed online at Safe Communities Task Force...."
"We know that gangs take root when our core institutions — families, schools, and economic systems — function poorly. We live in a community that functions relatively well in these areas, but it's not working for everyone. There are too many young people who do not enjoy the advantages of a stable family life, there are others who struggle in school, and a large proportion of gang-involved youth are characterized by high levels of adverse childhood experiences (parental incarceration, substance abuse, physical and emotional abuse, and domestic violence, etc.). We must guard against demonizing gang-involved youth — many of them are looking for a place to fit in, a place where they will feel loved, a place where they are important...."
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