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Looking for good ACEs Screening tools for Adults and/or Children

I do a lot of training and consulting in the area of trauma.


I have a list of all the SAMHSA approved trauma screenings for adults and children and all the work from the NCTSN as well in terms of trauma screenings.

Most of these screen for PTSD events or symptoms (especially in the adult arena).

I am not a believer in using the ACE short version as a "screening tool" (i.e. just asking if any of those 10 events have happened with a client during a intake process).

I like the NEAR approach in WA to home visiting and the toolkit they have for discussing these 10 events in interview format.

However, I am looking specifically for help finding adult and/or children screening tools for Adversity in Childhood that go beyond PTSD and into childhood adversity (either via events, experiences or effects). And wanted to reach out to this group to get some recommendations? 


Thanks so much for any help or feedback you could provide. 

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Hi Allison:

I had an appt. with a functional medicine nurse practitioner. And she broke childhood up into four time periods. Roughly:





We did end up covering all of the ACEs and we started with my ACE score number (I brought that with me)  but we didn't line by line talk about each "yes" answer. 

We were conversational though in speaking about the health and major happenings of childhood in those age groups. I'm working on a story about this now which will go into more detail. But I found that grouping of ages and talking about family and general environment, during those times, a narrower way to touch on major things that was effective. This is from the patient side of it but it was a wonderful, positive and great appt.


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