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Love's Cry: Stop Domestic Violence ~ March 8th International Women's Day & Every Day


Love's Cry is a powerful poem on domestic violence. The poem video is even more powerful. This Wednesday, March 8th, is International Women's Day. Please click "read more" to view the Love's Cry video. If Love's Cry speaks to you, please share the video on your social media sites. Please let me know your ideas on how Love's Cry can be shared with domestic violence and women's organizations, the media as a psa, and more. Together we can make a positive difference. Thank you! Diane Kaufman, MD (for more information see  

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Dana Brown posted:

Please know I will share with the inner city youth I mentor and invite colleagues to share with their list serves. Such a powerful message! Having experienced domestic violence in my own life, we must be upstanders with and for each other, including the perpetrator. Hurt people hurt people... 

Dana, Yes, I agree with you! "Hurt people hurt people..." And thank you in advance for sharing Love's Cry. If you can tag me on those shares or just let them know my name, email ( and website, (Arts Medicine for Health and Healing), I would be much appreciative. I also have poem videos on my website on addiction and suicide, and other subjects. A healing from trauma story I wrote, Bird That Wants to Fly, inspired a children's opera. The real reward is when someone can find some comfort and healing from what I have expressed.  

Dana Brown posted:

Please click here for the video.

Please know I will also post this as a separate video under our Resources for our members. Thank you Diane for posting this imperative video!

Thank you so much, Dana! I am glad you found Love's Cry to be powerful and meaningful. Do you mean posting it on ACES under resources? Do you have other ideas on where I should send it? I have it on my Facebook and LinkedIn page and have tweeted it to all the domestic violence and women's groups but there has been no reply. I think Love's Cry would be a great psa. Just need to find and make the right connections, but that is a task and journey in itself! 


Sebern Fisher posted:

I'm not finding the link, Diane

Thank you for letting me know! I am having difficulty posting this and don't know why! Try clicking on "read story" at the bottom of the post and it will take you to another page. There will be the image on top, then the paragraph and below that the image with an arrow on it. That's the video. Please let me know if that works. Thank you! 

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