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Making the Warrior Commitment (


We've all got the potential to awaken and help others in meaningful ways, big and small. Pema Chodron shows us how we can let go of self-centered worries and become a bodhisattva-warrior. It's the greatest happiness of all.

Compassion is threatening to the ego. We might think of it as something warm and soothing, but actually it’s very raw. When we set out to support other beings, when we go so far as to stand in their shoes, when we aspire to never close down to anyone, we quickly find ourselves in the uncomfortable territory of “life not on my terms.” The commitment traditionally known as the bodhisattva vow, or warrior vow, challenges us to dive into these noncozy waters and swim out beyond our comfort zone. We vow to move consciously into the pain of the world in order to help alleviate it. It is, in essence, a vow to take care of one another, even if it sometimes means not liking how that feels.

This commitment is connected deeply and unshakably with bodhichitta, traditionally defined as a longing to awaken so that we can help others do the same, a longing to go beyond the limits of conventional happiness, beyond enslavement to success and failure, praise and blame.

Bodhichitta is also a trust in our innate ability to go beyond bias, beyond prejudice and fixed opinions, and open our hearts to everyone: those we like, those we don’t like, those we don’t even notice, those we may never meet. Bodhichitta counteracts our tendency to stay stuck in very narrow thinking. It counteracts our resistance to change.

It’s said that when we make this commitment, it sows a seed deep in our unconscious, deep in our mind and heart, that never goes away. This seed is a catalyst that jump-starts our inherent capacity for love and compassion, for empathy, for seeing the sameness of us all. So we make the commitment, we sow the seed, then do our best never to harden our heart or close our mind to anyone.

To read more of Pema Chodron's article, please click here.

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Thanks, Cis:
Bless you, for your gracious sentiment Cissy... I'm profoundly grateful to learn from you and share with you. Please know I feel our members on ACEs Connection are spiritual warriors. On the front line of systems change (including belief systems), thousands of compassionate souls are bravely going within with open hearts - and courageously advocating where they work, live, pray, and play. 

Every day, I'm learning from so many champions and spiritual warriors on ACEs Connection. Uplifted, and eager to learn more, my heart expands with hope for our future's healing journey. 

Every day, I'm devastated by the suffering en mass. Knowing so many children, youth, and families who have endured, and are enduring, unspeakable loss and anguish. Whether it's genocide, tragic deaths, incarceration, deportation, fear (at home, in the neighborhood, at school), my soul bleeds. 

Striving to be mindful of "staying out of my own way" and being an open vessel of Love and Light, my spirituality carries me through. The balance of staying grounded in gratitude is what I consider to be "grace". 

I'm so grateful for our global community of healers on ACEs Connection.

Thanks Dana:

For those, like me, who sometimes think spiritual stuff is like the feel-good gravy  we can only think about/get to after all the practical and "real" work is done... this is a good reminder that it's all the work and how without the open heart and letting go of ego/judgments, it's pretty hard to do the "real" work well and with heart. Thanks for what you share, how you show up and do ALL of the work and love! Cissy

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