Despite increased scrutiny of the abusive conditions in state-funded juvenile corrections institutions, incarcerated youth continue to be subjected to systemic maltreatment, a report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation finds.
The report, Maltreatment of Youth in U.S. Juvenile Corrections Facilities (40 pages, PDF), found evidence of widespread physical abuse and excessive use of force by facility staff, an epidemic of sexual abuse, unchecked youth-on-youth violence, frequent violence against staff, and an overreliance on isolation and restraints. A follow-up to the foundation's 2011 report No Place for Kids: The Case for Reducing Juvenile Incarceration (51 pages, PDF), which found that the confinement-based model of juvenile justice resulted in high rates of abuse and recidivism, the new study documents systemic maltreatment since 2000 in juvenile corrections institutions in twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia, up from twenty-two states in the earlier report. The report also details the most recent evidence of the incidence of sexual abuse in juvenile facilities and documents a growing consensus that solitary confinement is dangerous, counterproductive, and unsuited for juveniles.
[For more of this story go to http://philanthropynewsdigest....problem-report-finds]
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