"And I told them, I told them that they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. And I told them that they should disregard anyone who demeans or devalues them and that they should make their voices heard in the world."
This is the part of Michelle Obama's speech that killed me.
How do you disregard your own father or family members if it is they who devalue you?
If a sexual predator is a parent or coach or neighbor how does a child disregard them?
I didn't. I couldn't. So I did something else instead.
I learned to tolerate, live with and make excuses for the way I was treated.
It's hard to admit this but when I heard what Donald Trump said on that video 11 years ago, my actual first thought was this:
"That's it? That's what the breaking news is? That's all."
I minimized Trump's words, not because they are "locker talk" but because they were car talk, dinner table talk. They were not said or done in secret but out in the open.
I minimized his words and his way not because it was not offensive but because it was so familiar.
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