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Managing Post-Traumatic Stress in a Pandemic: Practices & Resources Updated Regularly


[Ed. note: Cissy posted this in the Practicing Resilience community, and it's cross-posted here to make sure everyone sees it. We don't want anyone to miss out on these resources!]

Are you looking for new ways to get connected, supported, or to manage stress while managing post-traumatic stress during this pandemic? I am.

No matter what our past or present life circumstances, it's safe to say a whole bunch of us are feeling more stressed and if we live with chronic post-traumatic stress to begin with, we might be feeling especially vulnerable right now. 

I've noticed that just as I need to increase all that keeps me centered and calm and able to parent, work from home, and supports my compromised immune system - even when not in a pandemic - I'm finding many supports have closed, canceled, or changed or are not longer safe or accessible. This makes me uneasy and edgy, and not all that regulated. 

I've not been my best self. My partner and I were joking that there's not even one last nerve between us and that is not sustainable or compatible with health, happiness, and harmony.

I am doing all I can to nurture my nervous system and looking for new practices and supports. One need not have a high ACE score, health challenge, be in a hot spot or over 65 to be feeling more stress, worry, and uncertainty. Lots has changed for all of us. In fact, those of us who are experts at managing trauma responses and stress might know best how important it is take extra good care when our stress response is activated and we may have years or decades of managing daily life while also stressed. 

For better and for worse, right now, there is no us and them and we need to learn from one another and to stick together. We really are all in this together and that presents new challenges and opportunities. I'm inspired by all the individuals and organizations reaching out to support individuals, families, and communities (i.e. all of us) and understanding how we're all impacted.

This is my long way of saying I'll be sharing what I'm finding in this community each week. I'm not going to wait until the list is lengthy or comprehensive. I'm just going to add a few new things at a time.

  • How This Works:
  • This post will be updated once a week at least and I'll add new (and free) practices and resources.
  • I'll change the title image of the post and note what's new within the blog each time there's an update so you know it has new content.
    • I'll organize what was in the prior post alphabetically so you can reference it later if you want.
  • Help & Support Requests
    • Please let me know if this system works for you (or not), and why.
    • Please share what you are doing, finding, practicing, craving as well and what struggles and strategies and success you have. 
      • Where to Share?
        • In the comments of this post.
        • In a blog post of your own posted in this community.
        • Via email to (know I work half-time so if I don't respond immediately, I will get back to you).

New Practices & Resources 
O.k., so here are some free practices and resources I've just learned about.

Lunch Doodles with Mo Williems from the Kennedy Center

Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together.

New episodes will be posted each weekday at 1:00 p.m. ET and then remain online to be streamed afterwards.  Check back each weekday for new LUNCH DOODLES!

down dog

Down Dog App

This is free til April 1st and no credit card info. is needed to sign up though you will need to share your email address to get access.Here's the text from the pop-up window when you go to the site. 

COVID-19 Update:

Due to the current outbreak, many people are avoiding gathering in large groups, including at yoga studios and other fitness spaces. We believe that stressful times like these are precisely when people need wellness practices the most, and we are committed to doing our part to help out.

So that anyone who wants to practice at home can do so, we are making all of our apps - Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre, and 7 Minute Workout - completely free until April 1st.

In response to the many school closures taking place, we are also offering free access until July 1st for all students and teachers (K-12 and college). To access the free school membership, please sign up with your .edu email address. If your school doesn't use .edu emails, please write to us at so we can extend the free membership to your school's email domain.

We hope that everyone will stay healthy and safe in these uncertain times.

With love,
The Down Dog Team

health & fitnessAlison's Health & Fitness Challenge during Social Distancing on Facebook:
(full disclosure: Alison is my co-worker and I signed up for this to help me build some strength and to remind me to get off my couch). Alison's Invite:

You can join my free health+fitness challenge. While we stay cooped up in our homes, let's have fun with small health goals and stay well as best we can! Hope to see you in there. Friends welcome.

Prior Posts: Practices & Resources

VirusWe shared links to the CoronaVirus Survival Guide on in a post published yesterday. 

  • There are guided meditations, pre-recorded talks, and a daily live podcast at 3 p.m. EST at

    For the healthcare workers who are really stretched and stressed, there's free access to the Ten Percent Happier app for free.

Please share what's keeping you centered, inspired, encouraged, or helps you return to center when you aren't any of those things. When you share what you love, whether a quote, song, resource, practice, please share why it works for you or as that might encourage others to try something new. We don't all get nourished and regulated by the same things and share the same access to resources. Still, as much as we can, let's show up for ourselves and each other so we can show up for our families, communities, and world.

Parting Thought: This Note from my Daughter's Teacher Made My Day

A perfect email from my daughter's physics teacher, Tyler Aiken, of the South Shore Charter Public School in Norwell, MA to all of his students and their families. I share it with his permission. 

"I know you all are sick of my “talks/life lectures/preaching”, but I want to leave you with this thought. Try and take this time to spend with your immediate family, go for walks/hikes, play outside, and work on bettering you. The idea of social distancing can make the bonds that hold the ones closest to us stronger, don’t waste it. -----I am stepping off my soapbox.

 Stay healthy, happy and active. 


Isn't that awesome? It helped me shift my own perspective and reminded me also of the power of a few encouraging sentences. 


Images (5)
  • down dog
  • Tyler Aiken
  • Doodles
  • health & fitness
  • Virus

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