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Raising Resilient Oklahomans, Five Years Later

Laura Porter presenting at conference in Oklahoma.
Five years ago, the Potts Family Foundation began a journey that continues to this day. Introduced to the documentary "Resilience: The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope" in 2017, our immediate reaction was that all Oklahomans need to see this film. From the first screening at Rose State College, we have employed the same format following the film with a moderated panel discussion. Even the pandemic did not set us back, as we created virtual screening opportunities with Zoom discussions. At present, we have shown the film 342 times to 19,661 Oklahomans, including dozens of state and local elected officials and leaders and hundreds of state agency staff. 

The documentary chronicles a movement that began two decades ago following the landmark CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study) led by Dr. Vincent Felitti at Kaiser Permanente and Dr. Rob Anda at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the 1990s. From this study, we learned how multiple forms of childhood adversity can result in important public health problems ― like obesity and addiction ― and are directly connected to serious illnesses like cancer, heart and lung disease and diabetes. The reality is that children in our culture are commonly exposed to chaotic living conditions. In fact, when there was one ACE in the life of a child, 87% of the time at least one other of the nine ACEs also occurred. It also challenges us to learn what we can all do to decrease adversities in children’s lives.

In response to the screenings and requests for “next steps,” in 2019 the foundation sponsored a workshop with ACE Interface’s Laura Porter on how to build resilience in individuals and communities. The NEAR Science (Neurobiology, Epigenetics, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience) walks participants through the latest brain science and how trauma and toxic stress impact the brain and body. It also explains the science of epigenetics and how adversity in one generation can be transmitted to the next generation through bio-markers affecting how our genes are read. The information learned from the original ACEs study and its impact on individuals and public health outcomes is explained in-depth. Finally, participants learned about the power of education around this research, along with capacity building and shared leadership to inform results-based decision-making to create transformational change at the community level. The workshop was attended by 21 cross-sector teams from across the state who continue to do this resilience-building work.

To help facilitate further dissemination of this work, the foundation sponsored training of 31 ACE Interface Master Trainers in early 2021. These trainers have presented the NEAR Science — Beyond ACEs to nearly 5,000 Oklahomans including staff at five state agencies. Total hours of training provided at no cost to the organizations or individuals is easily valued at over $1.2 million. In partnership with the Oklahoma State Department of Health and their new THREAD (Trauma, Hope Resilience, Education, ACEs and Diversity) Charter, this week we rolled out the first presenter cohort. These 25 new “THREAD Champions” are now equipped and charged with training Oklahoma State Department of Health staff and other community partners across the state. Over the next year we have plans for several more “train the presenter” opportunities including partnerships with tribal members and other state agencies.

We offer all of these educational opportunities so that community residents and professionals are surrounded by people who are knowledgeable about ACE concepts and have the ability to recognize what’s helping or hurting and can engage those most affected by ACEs in hope-filled action. We will realize the fruits of this work when children are able to reach their full potential by growing and developing in relationships that are healthy and protective and when ACE scores are reduced in the next generation. We invite you to join us on this journey.


This post first appeared in the Oklahoman.

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Great work and report, Linda!

We are so grateful for the depth of the awareness raising work in Oklahoma, and the convening work and leadership of the Potts Family Foundation!

Oklahoma is model for other states and communities as to how to leverage the documentary “Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope”, how to promote the learnings of leaders in the movement, how to tie all the parts of PACEs science together, from the neurobiology and public health learnings to the importance of historical trauma and epigentics to the resiliency and the impact of positive childhood experiences and how we need to foster them in our communities.

Thank you for this terrific report! I am sharing it widely and encourage others to share it with their community leaders, too!

Carey Sipp

Director of Strategic Partnerships,

PACEs Connection

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