Finnish researchers asked 701 people -- Swedish, Finnish and Taiwanese-speaking people -- to color regions of the body they thought were increasing or decreasing in activity when shown
“emotional words, stories, movies, or facial expressions." The results were published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.
So what are we seeing in these illustrations? The authors note that, measured physiologically, most feelings only cause a minor change in heart rate or skin temperature—our torsos don’t literally get hot with surprise.
Instead, the results likely reveal subjective perceptions about the impact of our mental states on the body, a combination of muscle and visceral reactions and nervous system responses that we can’t easily differentiate. Feeling jealous may not truly make us red in the face, for example, but we certainly might feel like it does.
Wouldn't it be interesting to do this same experiment with people who had different ACE scores?
Full article "Bodily Map of Emotions".
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