MIECHV includes grants to states and six jurisdictions; and grants to Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and Urban Indian Organizations. The legislation requires that grantees demonstrate improvement among eligible families participating in the program in six benchmark areas:
- Improved maternal and newborn health;
- Prevention of child injuries, child abuse, neglect, or maltreatment, and reduction of emergency department visits;
- Improvement in school readiness and achievement;
- Reduction in crime or domestic violence;
- Improvements in family economic self-sufficiency; and
- Improvements in the coordination and referrals for other community resources and supports.
MIECHV is an evidence-based policy initiative and the authorizing legislation requires that at least 75 percent of grant funds be spent on programs to implement evidence-based home visiting models. Currently, thirteen home visiting models meet the HHS criteria and up to 75 percent of an eligible entities’ grant funds may be used to conduct a home visiting program using the approved model. Additionally, up to 25 percent may be spent on promising approaches that must be rigorously evaluated.
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