I don’t know how to talk about mental health in a short, sweet and all-encompassing way. On the topic, my mind is a Powerball drawing of sorts.
The first ball up is MarShawn McCarrel, the brilliant Black Lives Matter activist who tragically took his own life earlier this year. Then I think of the artist formerly known as Ron Artest excitedly giving a shoutout to his psychiatrist after the Los Angeles Lakers won the 2010 NBA Finals.
I think about the lady who was loudly arguing with herself on the A train this morning, and also my Zenned-out best friend, who emits rainbows, peace and positivity.
I remember a loved one’s daily battle with anxiety and depression, and how small I feel being unable to help her fight against all that hurt.
I hear Kanye’s “Ultralight Beam.” I see Beyoncé swinging that bat inLemonade. I’m all over the place.
[For more of this story, written by Sarah M. Kazadi, http://www.theroot.com/article...th_in_the_black.html]
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