With the Affordable Care Act’s repeal-replace-reform-repair debate crawling along, House Republicans and the White House do seem to favor one point: sharp cuts to Medicaid. Under most GOP replacement plans, including the one unveiled last week by Speaker Paul Ryan, federal spending on Medicaid, the public-health insurance program that’s most associated with low-income Americans, would be sharply curtailed and converted to either a block-grant funding formula or a capped, per-capita formula. While most of these plans have not been officially scored by the Congressional Budget Office, health-care experts overwhelmingly agree that such a change would lead to a drop in the number of Americans who receive Medicaid benefits, and in the generosity of those benefits.
[For more of this story, written by Dwyer Gunn, go to https://psmag.com/medicaid-mat...46cfa6512#.ubz6snw89]
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