The definition of insanity is…. [doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.]
Only problem is that “insanity” isn’t a medical diagnosis at all. It’s only a pop-culture term or idea.
Mental illness is a normative part of human existence.
As normal a part of your and my life as any sickness or illness. From temporary situational anxiety and depression or anger we all experience; to chronic anxiety, depression, bipolar 1&2, borderline personality disorder, etc…
Mental health is a challenge for each and every one of us. Something we must consistently pursue, against sometimes impossible odds.
Popular media presentations do us little good, with the false assumption that “normal” equals mentally healthy and mental illness equals insanity, talking to trees or Jack Nicholson in One flew over the cuckoo’s nest. The mentally ill being those we ignore, push away, or hide. My mom suspects several on her side who were ill, that no one talked about in plain speech but only euphemism.
Too often, but no always, communities assign stigma to illnesses which you cannot see, and special treatment to illnesses that you can see.
Why is this, why treat them differently? When medicine today clearly points out that mental illness is indeed illness that needs diagnosis, treatment, medicine and care?
[For more of this story, written by Mary Troyer, go to]
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