Mothers who have had children by different partners are more apt to be depressed and stressed than those whose children have the same father — and they might receive less social support, too, according to a new study published in the Journal of Family Issues.
"If she has a child with a new partner, is her depression and her parenting stress impacted?" is the question that Paula Fomby, an associate research scientist at University of Michigan, set out to answer with the help of data collected on more than 3,300 children born between 1998 and 2000 who were part of the Fragile Families Child and Wellbeing Study.
That initial child was the "focal" child; she then considered at three years and five years later how moms who had gone on to have at least another child with a different father fared in terms of depression and parenting stress compared to those who didn't have another child or who had another with the same partner.
[For more of this story, written by Lois M. Collins, go to]
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