America faces a tough challenge. Educating students in poverty requires considerably more time than the traditional school calendar offers.
But there’s hope. Expanded time and learning schools are meeting the needs of kids in high poverty schools. These students are getting 2.2 more years of learning across their K-12 education. That’s why we need of to give them this option through all of these years of their education.
The number of expanded-time schools across the country has doubled in the past two years, as my organization, National Center on Time & Learning and the Education Commission of the States reported last week in our 2015 Learning Time in America snapshot of public school time. The increase means over one million students now have access to needed additional hours.
Meanwhile, an ever-growing number of practitioners and policymakers have come to understand how the conventional American school calendar can impede education. In 2014 alone, at least 35 districts across more than ten states announced that they are implementing or considering extending learning time in at least some schools.
[For more of this story, written by Jennifer Davis, go to]
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