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Most Treatments for Childhood PTSD Don't Work. Here's What Does.


If you are one of the millions of adults who grew up affected by traumatic experiences during your childhood, you may have tried therapies that promised to help you calm your emotions, change your thinking, and respond to stress like normal people do.

But chances are, you're still affected by past trauma. Things like abuse, neglect, and exposure to parental addiction can and do impact the brain and nervous system. This in turn can  can trigger problems ranging from ADHD to depression to addiction to diabetes to an inability to form lasting relationships. 

Childhood PTSD is a bad thing. And there is no shortage of specialists and therapies that promise to heal the problems caused by early trauma: Cognitive behavior therapy. EMDR. Neurofeedback. Yoga. Meditation. Exposure therapy. Anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications. MDMA. Cannabis. Psilocybin. Dialectical behavior therapy. Tapping, Somatic experiencing, Feldenkrais, Craniosacral therapy. Art therapy. Dance Therapy. Drama therapy. Dream therapy. Equine therapy. Nutritional therapy, and on and on and on.

As you probably have discovered, not all treatments are equal. In fact with most treatments, there is no consistent pattern of effectiveness. Something may have helped you but won't help others. Some treatments have a temporary benefit but leave you worse off than before you started.

So what does work? The answers might surprise you. Here is a sneak peek at one of the 32 videos from my online course Healing Childhood PTSD.

You can get detailed information about the course here. 

Have you found a particular treatment helpful? I hope you'll comment below!

Anna (the Fairy)




Anna Runkle is the author of the blog Crappy Childhood Fairy and has created the online course Healing Childhood PTSD. 

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Amazing. And filled with truth. As someone who has utilized EMDR, tapping, Reiki, traditional therapy, medications, yoga, meditation, and so much more . . . it is absolutely about learning self-regulating skills. I am so grateful for all of these tools which have helped (and continue to help) me along my healing journey. However, for me personally, EMDR was life-altering. I no longer experience panic attacks and can re-center rather quickly should my anxiety symptoms start to arise.

I am so incredibly excited to have you join me on The Healing Place podcast. I will be sharing this brilliant video on every platform after we record and I do a promotion blitz of you and your services.

Thank you for this!



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