Many adverse experiences that children endure are manifested as a result of their immediate environment. Exposure to drugs, alcohol, violence, absent parenting, social stigmatization, peer bullying, emotional abuse, neglect, malnutrition, and even relocating and moving from town to town. Children lose close friends, familiar activities, feelings of being safe, consistency of going to the same classes, being with a certain trusted teacher or coach, or that friend across the street to play with.
"Most of the stress is felt by those people (children) who didn't make the decision to move" (Fredrick Medway, Child Psychologist, University of South Carolina, Columbia, ). Moving is a manifestation of many cultural and societal factors, including poverty. Additionally, parent/parents may exacerbate the circumstances with addictions such as gambling, shopping, and other reckless, selfish, and self-centered activities. Children become the helpless victims of this type of needless stress, trauma, and adverse childhood experience.
Imagine how it feels for a child to lose everyone your close with (including clothes and toys). Then the material things are moved to storage with the possibility of never seeing, wearing, or using them again. You are forced to essentially "start over" in every facet of your life. A not so subtle lesson in learning how to "let go". Could you change this negative experience into a positive solution..? Try doing this 20-30-40 times in your life as a child, some do.
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