[Photo by Stefano Corso]
“I hate the police” and other comments, profanity-filled, are shouted to Houston Police officers as they enter a classroom filled with teenagers. This is week one of the 11-week Teen and Police Service (TAPS) Academy. Mistrust is high as these adjudicated youth meet their TAPS officers for the first time.
Through a Texas Education Agency-approved curriculum that grants one high school credit to students upon completion, TAPS Academy officers and teens alike learn about conflict mediation, police interaction, drugs avoidance, bullying, safe driving, date violence reduction, bullying and other subjects to create mutual understanding and respect among each other. In breakout sessions, one officer and six youth give each other feedback.
[For more of this story, written by Everette B Penn and Vicki L King, go to http://jjie.org/2016/12/15/mov...rcers-to-protectors/]
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