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My TEDx Talk; surviving Childhood Trauma thru Art and Resilience


I recently delivered a TEDx Talk revealing my high ACEs score of nine and how I found out about the ACEs movement by accident. Last July, I attended a screening of "Resilience" thinking it would be a movie about how a powerful coping mechanism can help children cope with toxic stress. Instead, imagine my shock, as I watched clinicians explain that my ACEs score could result in a shortened lifespan by 20 years!

Dazed and afraid, I threw myself into researching the findings of the ACEs movement - serendipitously invited to deliver my related TEDx talk five months later! Because I have PTSD, reliving my trauma over and over again during our three months of prep was extremely difficult and there were times I wanted to bail. Somehow, my resilience kicked in again and gave me the courage to followthrough; making the standing ovation I received at the end even that much sweeter.

I came away from this experience determined to broaden the focus of the current movement to incorporate what I'm calling #ACEsGROWNUPS - an initiative seeking to build a community of high ACEs adults. Within this fellowship group, I believe we can offer support for one another and, explore ways in which to mentor younger ACEs kids struggling the way we did/do. 

I will formally launch the program via Instagram on Thursday, April 25th 2019 when I attend the Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma & Resilience Summit as a sponsor and, as an adult still tending to the deep wounds caused by my exposure to trauma as a child. I am convinced that my  #ACEsGROWNUPS  initiative will offer all of us hope and continued healing. 

Please keep track of my progress via my website, Thank you in advance for your support. Here is my TEDx Talk...

RAINNJulia Huff Post Live Sexual AbuseJulia Rape Survivor in Spanish




Images (4)
  • Julia Huff Post Live Sexual Abuse
  • Julia Rape Survivor in Spanish
  • Julia TED 2018 John

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