"A panel of experts gathered earlier this week for UNC’s 19th National Health Equity Research Webcast and emphasized the role of comprehensive early childhood education programs in combatting the effects of poverty....
"Sarah L. Kastelic, deputy director of the National Indian Child Welfare Association, reported that nearly one-third of the American Indian and Alaska Native populations live in poverty. According to Kastelic, adverse childhood experiences, including abuse and neglect, are five times more likely in native populations.
“Can we afford not to invest in early childhood education?” asked Educare’s Kennel, who added that the debate about early childhood education had entered a critical period after the President’s proposal for universal preschool programs....
"Victor J. Schoenbach, who directs the Minority Health Project at the Gillings School of Global Public Health, lead sponsor for the webcast, agrees with Kennel. “Expanding quality preschool programs will make us all a little better off and make some people a lot better off...."
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