The National Child Traumatic Stress Network announces:
The National Center is pleased to announce the release of a series of briefs from the Juvenile Justice Roundtable on special topics related to trauma-informed juvenile justice systems.
As a whole, this series is intended to further our discussion on some of the topics that are key to addressing trauma within this system. The introductory brief, Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice Roundtable: Current Issues and New Directions in Creating Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice Systems by Carly B. Dierkhising, Susan Ko and Jane Halladay Goldman (JJTraumabriefintroduction.pdf), provides a summary of the series of briefs as well as a description of the work done by the diverse array of participants at our Juvenile Justice Roundtable held in February of this year.
The five briefs listed below address topics that we believe to be essential to our work in identifying and addressing key elements of a trauma-informed juvenile justice system, including trauma-informed assessment and intervention, cross-system collaboration, family engagement, racial disparity and the environment of care in juvenile institutions. Although this list of important topics is far from exhaustive, we hope that the perspectives found in these briefs will elevate our already rich discussions and work on creating trauma-informed juvenile justice systems.
●Trauma-Informed Assessment and Intervention, by Patricia K. Kerig (JJTraumabriefassessment.pdf)
●Cross-System Collaboration, by Macon Stewart (JJTraumabriefcrosssystem.pdf
●The Role of Family Engagement in Creating Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice Systems, by Liane Rozzell (JJTraumabrieffamilyengagement.pdf
●Racial Disparities and the Juvenile Justice System: A Legacy of Trauma, by Clinton Lacey (JJTraumaracialdisparities.pdf
●Trauma and the Environment of Care in Juvenile Institutions, by Sue Burrell (JJTraumabriefenvironofcare.pdf
Note: These PDFs are also available in the ACEsConnection Resources Center, in the juvenile justice section of the criminal justice section.
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