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NEAR Science is Coming to Oklahoma!


By the end of March, Oklahoma will have 30 certified Master Trainers prepared to canvass our state and engage and motivate individuals and communities to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and improve well-being. The Master Trainer program is facilitated by Dr. Robert Anda and Laura Porter of ACE Interface, a company that provides education, analysis, process design, facilitation, and products designed to increase networks of trainers to disseminate education across communities. Potts Family Foundation was awarded a grant through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthy Kids Healthy Families program to help sponsor the three-day training, received and accepted 30 applications for Master Trainers, and will provide ongoing support for the Master Trainer network through the existing (and increasing) Raising Resilient Oklahomans Self-Healing Communities (SHC) across Oklahoma.

The three-day training will focus on NEAR Science:

N stands for neurobiology. Neurobiology helps us understand how our brain developed based on experience. The training explores various functions of the brain like memory, sensory regulation, and executive functioning that are impacted by toxic stress, adversity and trauma.

E represents epigenetics. Epigenetics, in a sense, rediscovered or scientifically affirmed that individual and collective trauma can be passed down from generation to generation.

A stands for the ACEs study which scientifically linked early childhood adversity and adult health.

R is for resilience of a community, a family or an individual. Knowledge about resilience lets us know which buffering variables can reverse, prevent, and heal the impact of adversity.

These four sciences are intended to broaden our understanding of people and their behaviors.

It begins with an understanding of the neurobiology of the brain and how we are wired for survival.  If our brain detects a real or perceived threat, it reacts using the mid-brain or brainstem.  When either of these parts of the brain is activated, the pre-frontal cortex, or thinking part of the brain, cannot fully function. This means people experiencing toxic stress or adversity cannot fully access the part of their brain responsible for working memory, self-control, prioritization, predicting consequences, planning or decision making.  If children experience routine toxic stress, the neural networks in the pre-frontal cortex may not even develop well. This science tells us that we need to build regulation skills in people with a history of trauma so they can access their pre-frontal cortex and then strengthen processing skills.

Epigenetics research has shown that trauma can be passed down through generations.  The science explains how certain genes may or may not be expressed due to the experiences of our predecessors.  This knowledge combined with ACEs allows people to have a better understanding of the risk factors related to trauma.  However, risk factors are not predictive factors due to protective factors.  The training explores evidence-based Interventions that can restore, repair and reverse the negative impacts of trauma.  These interventions are strategies and tools we can all use with all people to create physically and emotionally safe environments, healthy attachments or connection, and strengthen skills so individuals, families and communities can meet their full potential and thrive.

The ACE Interface Master Trainer Program is designed to support rapid dissemination of ACE and resilience science and promote understanding and application of the science to improve health and wellbeing across the lifespan. Trained presenters use a flexible script, PowerPoint presentation, and background information that has been reviewed by national content experts, improved over time using field experience, and proven to be effective with diverse audiences.

The Master Trainers will become familiar with this information and become proficient facilitating presentations for community groups.  The Master Trainers will also be certified to teach the NEAR Science presentation to a network of trainers who can then also present the information to more communities.  Eventually, the network should encompass all geographical areas of Oklahoma disseminating the NEAR science to all communities and all organizations including agencies, schools, businesses, faith-based institutions, medical and law enforcement facilities, and other public and private entities.  In less than a year, the Master Trainer Program enables delivery of ACEs information to diverse communities--with fidelity to science and concepts--to tens of thousands of people.

Potts Family Foundation and the Raising Resilient Oklahomans SHCs welcome you to become involved.  If you are interested in having a NEAR Science presentation in your organization or community later this year, contact Linda Manaugh at

Written by Cheryl Step    Creating Resilience, LLC

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