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NEIL MACKAY'S BIG READ: Do boarding schools create dangerous narcissists like Boris Johnson? []


By Neil Mackay, Image: Gordon Terris/Herald & Times, The Herald, July 10, 2022

DOES Boris Johnson’s experience in boarding school explain his dysfunctional premiership? Did the psychological damage done to Johnson create a prime minister with a narcissistic personality stripped of empathy – and in turn lead to dire consequences for the British public in terms of the policies he has pursued?

If you spend time talking with psychologist Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, Scotland’s leading authority on the condition known as boarding school syndrome (BSS), then the answer is an inescapable ‘yes’.

The little studied, and even less discussed, syndrome has devastating effects on the human personality. Children are sent away by their parents at a young age, often experiencing profound levels of anxiety, rejection and trauma, causing deep attachment problems. At school, many suffer intense physical bullying, and even sexual assault, from older pupils. In the past, there have been many cases of teachers sexually and physically abusing pupils.

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Ref your recent article on BBS I thought you might find the recent neuroscience research findings, summarised below, of interest.

For the last thirty years I worked as an executive coach/therapist and one of my trainings was in Family Therapy and how Family of Origin Dynamics plays out in the boardroom in both Government and the Corporate world.

However most of that training has been rather overturned by recent and emerging neuroscience research showing how extended early life trauma , or Complex PTSD, as its now being called , can lead to Epigenetic shutdown of the genetic capacity to produce Dopamine, Serotonin, etc ( the hormones required for inner calm, empathy , compassion etc. )  leaving only the genetic structure to produce the Fight or Flight or Freeze  hormones of Adrenaline and Cortisol etc. in the adult.

I've had a good look at the Family of Origin Dynamics of Putin, Trump and Johnson, who all experienced extended child hood trauma , or CPTSD. The Dopamine shutdown research correlates with and goes a long way to explaining how and why they behave the way they do.

To me the implications of Dopamine shutdown as a result of Complex  PTSD have huge policy and strategic implications and there seems to be so little awareness of this research.

I find it fascinating that if an aeroplane crashes, our response is to thoroughly investigate the wreckage to understand  the cause of the crash but when a politician burns and crashes very little systematic investigation as to the underlying cause is carried out.

Thus my need to communicate this research to authors such as yourself  to convey this work to those willing to listen especially at this time of electing a new leader here in the UK

I do trust this note is of interest

Many thanks for all the good work you are doing

Best wishes

Sol Davidson

London UK


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