On Wednesday, March 22, I had the opportunity to attend a community gathering in Marin County, CA, that was convened by their Health and Human Services Department.The event was a “Learning Lab” where ideas and innovation are explored to see if there might be a better way of caring for and working with vulnerable members of the community.
The gathering — Networking Breakfast: Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resiliency — was located at the Marin County Office of Education and attended by Dr. Grant Colfax, the new medical director of Health and Human Services.
Maternal Child Adolescent Health Director Sandra Rosenblum gave an ACES overview that was followed by several panel discussions.The participants represented social services, First 5, health services, YMCA, community members, a health plan, and many others! This enthusiastic gathering of community members and professionals demonstrated a strong interest in deepening their community’s understanding adverse childhood experiences science and the impact Marin County residents.
These learning labs are open to the community.Currently plans are being developed for gatherings in May, June, and July. Stay tuned to learn more.
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