Uncle Alex Munro says creating a painting of Mother Earth nurtured him.(ABC New England: Lani Oataway)
By Lani Oataway, ABC New England, July 10, 2023
Orange flames, thick smoke, and the sound of choppers had turned Ngoorumba elder Uncle Alex Munro's home of 58 years, Tingha, into a "war scene".
It was the summer of 2019, and the fire burnt more than 17,000 hectares around the NSW Northern Tablelands town.
But returning to the scorched land was worse.
"It was just sticks of black, and the trees were just black, grass and everything was just black as well," Uncle Alex says.
"It was weakening to the soul, weakening to your spirit. It was just like Mother Earth has been ravaged again and left again.
"Just being on home country but feeling homesick for it because of so much change."
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