In a new Sesame Street book, “In My Family,” Jada, a little girl, goes to Family Fun Night at her school. Her friends come with their moms and dads, but Jada comes with her Uncle George.
“I want to have fun, but I miss my daddy,” Jada thinks. “He’s in prison, so he can’t be here.” The book shows how George makes Jada feel that she is not alone, because he also misses her father, and because she is part of a loving family with her uncle and aunt.
The book is part of a kit meant as a guide for parents and caregivers of children with incarcerated parents. These are children who, like Jada, often feel out of place and carry a sense of guilt and shame as if they have something to hide.
The Osborne Association of New York City, which has been providing support and rehabilitation for formerly and presently incarcerated individuals for 80 years, was a consultant on the project. Joan Hunt worked for them before she came to Hudson to be the program manager for the Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood.
[For more of this story, written by John Mason, go to]
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