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New Initiative In Trauma-Informed Policing!


Cowart Trauma Informed Partnership

is thrilled to announce that plans are underway with

Prevention Is Key

to present specialized training opportunities to the community on topics related to trauma and it's effects, the importance of building resilience for recovery, and trauma-informed care!

For our first joint project, we will be hosting a webinar trauma-informed policing for law enforcement officers and other justice workers in the Morris County area of New Jersey!

Many police departments across the country have come to realize that fostering a better understanding of trauma can have a beneficial impact on their law enforcement abilities. This course will highlight how recognizing the symptoms and responding with a trauma-informed approach can lead to better results in law enforcement and justice work.

COTIP is delighted to be part of this project, and looks forward to other opportunities to further this work by partnering with other law enforcement and justice organizations throughout the country.



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