Build on our Reimagining Resilience 1 workshop, OR your own knowledge and experiences, with our NEW online workshop - Reimagining Resilience 2: Developing Firmness Tools, Thursdays March 24 & 31, 4:30-6:30pm PDT.
This workshop is facilitated by Corrina Skildum & Alan Wong.
Alan shares how Reimagining Resilience 2 helps educators and other adults who work with youth during these challenging times:
"More than ever we need tools that can help us meet the need of all students and youth β and those who have experienced trauma and toxic stress particularly.
RR2 offers practical tools that can help educators to stay connected to the unique experience of each child, while strengthening empathy, accountability and problem-solving skills (for both students and teachers). We invite you to join us for this engaging and inspiring learning journey.β
Clock hours are available.
Questions or want to register a group? Email us at and we are happy to help!
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