Rather than tell young people what's best for them, Born This Way Foundation and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln partnered with the National Council for Behavioral Health and the National Association of School Psychologists to survey 2,645 young people during our Born Brave Bus Tour, on our website and through social media to find out what youth prefer. And we heard them loud and clear.
What we found is that the telephone is the least likely tool that young people utilize to seek help, even though it is the most ubiquitous, particularly for suicide hotlines. Fewer than 16 percent of respondents ranked telephones as their preferred method of help-seeking communication. Furthermore, talking on the phone is the least preferred form of seeking help across all demographics: gender, grade, sexual orientation and anxiety/depression score. It is clear that if we want youth to have easy access to mental-health professionals, communication by phone is a barrier.
[For more of this story, written by Cynthia Germanotta, go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/...-barr_b_5679310.html]
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