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NZ Education and Workforce Committee recommends the legalisation of teachers use of force against students

In the recently released final report the Education and Workforce Committee have recommended that teachers can use "force" on their students.

They recommended that a definition of "physical force" be inserted into clause 95 (p.5) . The definition of force they have provided reads,

" force in relation to a student, directed toward the body of a student so as to move, or prevent, restrict, or subdue the movement of, the student's body or any part of the student's body against the student's will".


Given the use of police force against George Flyod and the complaints of restraint and seclusion of students by teachers in NZ that caused harm to students , this is a very dangerous recommendation for all our vulnerable, voiceless, powerless students especially those with trauma and difficulty with self-regulation.

What is of more concern is that in NZ teachers are NOT trauma-informed to a level that they are trauma-responsive. Teachers in NZ have been sending a very clear message to EVERYONE that they NEED support to manage children with increasingly complex and challenging behaviours.

The Education and Workforce Committee made a very harmful recommendation to legalise the use of force by teachers indicating that they did not listen to those of us who made submissions.

The bill is currently at its second reading in parliament.

What is needed is to send emails to the NZ government to voice concern over this recommendation.

I am asking everyone who has read this post to inform your media and to send an email to our Prime Minister, Jacinda Adern and our Minister of Education, Chris Hipkins because the Education and Select Committee did not listen to the voice of those of us in NZ who made a submission against legalising teachers using physical force against students.

Your help is needed for in solidarity we can move mountains

But only in solidarity

Every one counts

Thank you


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