Educators who want to implement more positive disciplinary practices can now access an online national repository of research-based alternatives to suspension and expulsion.
The National Clearinghouse on Supportive School Discipline (NCSSD) site is divided into four topic areas that provide strategies and tools:
- Conditions for Learning
- The Pipeline to Prison
- Positive Approaches to School Discipline
- Discipline Disparities
California has been in the forefront in the move toward more positive disciplinary approaches. Both Los Angeles Unified and San Francisco Unified, for example, have eliminated “willful defiance” as a reason to suspend or expel students. A new law, authored by Assemblyman Roger Dickinson, D-Sacramento, makes it illegal for school districts to expel any student or suspend any K-3 student for willful defiance. However, teachers can still send a student to the principal’s office for defiance.
[For more of this story, written by Susan Fey, go to]
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