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Only a fraction of California children eligible receive subsidized child care []


As Gov. Gavin Newsom pushes to expand subsidized childcare in California, a new report indicates that the state still has a long way to go to reach a substantial share of its neediest children.

Only 1 in 9 children eligible for subsidized childcare and preschool programs in California were enrolled in a program that provided full-day, year-round care in 2017, according to an analysis by the California Budget and Policy Center, a nonpartisan organization that analyzes how budget and tax policies affect low- and middle-income Californians.

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I won't read the report. (No time) My opinion is that effort sshould be Maternity pay and parenting classes for those parenting with PTSD. I asked the question of a school administrator 25 years ago. Parents are undoing what we are doing in school. Why aren't we helping the parents? The climate has changed since then. Thank God. I believe childcare contributes to separation in a child's development. Running into attachment problems down the road. Parents need to raise their children. I use an analogy from a book I just read. (When I came home from the hospital with my parents, I was not placed in a plastic seat by myself. I was held by my mother. The dash board was made of steel and seat belts were not even an option. If my parents cared enough, they opened the car window if they smoked on the way home. When I cried I was held by a member of the family and soothed.) I wasn't put into a piece of plastic that rocked me, vibrated and made sounds with lights. Today's children are shipped off to daycare and when old enough they become latch-key kids. All this time from birth on, making decisions about their surroundings by themselves. So use models like NEAR@Home and the 2018 Scotland Highland Report, "ACES, Resilience and Trauma Informed Care:A Public Health Approach to Understanding and Responding to Adversity". Lets stop trying to fix the problem after it comes out of the machine.

Last edited by Jane Stevens
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