ACEsConnection member Jim Sporleder wrote the following...
"The AMERICA’S ANGEL® Campaign: Raising the Bar on Raising America
RE: Request to join President Obama’s Call to Action on gun violence
Dear Mr. Duncan:
I am Principal of Lincoln High School, an alternative “Trauma Sensitive” school in Walla Walla, Washington. Our staff is trained to use compassion to defuse potential violence in our students whose fear-based childhoods put them at-risk. As an Administrator, my concerns include student outcomes, discipline, and decreasing both dropouts and school violence. In June, 2012, journalist Jane Stevens featured Lincoln’s disciplinary model in her Huffington Post article, Suspension Rates at a Washington School Drop 85%: Does Kindness Play a Role? In every day statistics, the 85% decrease meant 800 suspension days dropped to 135, thus for 765 days students attended class rather than roam the streets...."
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